Monday, September 15, 2008

new kids on the oil block

I was politely informed that burqa bitches is hurtful and degrading, so said women will be referred to as hizzos and lizzaladies.

This is letter is to the significant others of said hizzos and lizzaladies. More particularly the wealthy rich ones who are a byproduct of oil production. These boys do not conform to the conservative nature of the region or of its religions. Instead they choose to replicate the lifestyle of MTV's Sucker Free Sundays. For those that do not get that reference, do you remember in the movie Titanic when they referred to the unsinkable Molly Brown as new money? Meaning, new to wealth, not really knowing how to act, unsure of themselves, fiscally the opposite of me. Well that is how I would describe theses guys. They have very expensive name brand clothing on, Lacoste, Sean John, FCUK, Armani, Louis Vatton, Rocca Wear, any other rappers clothing line, or anything else they sell on Rodeo Drive. Generally they are wearing jewelry, big pieces, bling-bling if you will, stuff that rivals professional athletes, recording artists, and their accompanying entourages. They will often be in a bar or club and will most likely have bottle service; and they aren't drinking crap like Jack, Jim, or Jose. They have bottles of Johnnie Green or Blue Label; they have bottles of Grey Goose or some celebrities attempt at Vodka manufacturing. Bottles of Hennessey, maybe you know it as Henny; and just other bottles of liquor that I cannot even afford a shot of, let alone the entire bottle. Their area of the bar or club will be filled with Cuban Cigar Smoke and be filled with ladies who rival the slutted up value of Vegas girls. With all that said, that's not what really made me want to write a blog about them. I've been around people who have nicer clothes than me and people who drink more expensive liquors than me. I've been around people who smoke expensive tobacco and people who seem to have every hot girl in a mini skirt near them. I guess what it really boils down to is the fact that even though from my perspective life is good, these kids still don't know how to have a good time. They will still fly off the handle if anyone looks at them wrong. If something doesn't go there way or they don't get exactly what they want, when they want, they turn into Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka and Chocolate Factory. They all tend to be Type-A with Napoleon Complex, regardless of their size. If any of you thought that D-bags and A-holes were strictly secluded to a particular region or nation, they aren't. They can be found in every hemisphere. Plus, they seem to need affirmation about anything; their lack of confidence is comical. What they truly need is a kick in the in ass, and a staunch reminder to Chillax. So to my wealthy boys of oil rich families; nobody likes you, club owners, bar owners, even the girls in the club. You aren't black, you aren't from the dirty drity, and you aren't athletically gifted or lyrically gifted. Just be yourself or act your age or act like you belong. Do something.


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