Sunday, September 7, 2008

burqa bitches

burqa bitches

This is a letter to women of Islam and my heart goes out to you and your never ending quest for fashion and faith. When I was in Malaysia I saw many women in burqa. This was really my first experience with the Muslim faith. I found my self staring and quickly looking away, much like I do at your cleavage. I stared because I was curious, because it was new, because I don't understand, but mostly because I wonder if under it all you really are a hotty. Now I have much experience with hotties, mostly in the form of them turning me down, but I do know one when I see one. One of the most interesting things about these women was just how fashionable they tried to be wearing all black. Not only were the burqas fashionable in that they had sequence and intriquite sewing patterns, but they were also form fitting. When these girls walked I tried to see their forbidden feet and while they do not wear nail polish they often have fashionable sandals. With said sandals they usually have big fluffy posh purses. To top it all off they usually have a fair share my makeup on as well. Eyeliner, mascara, the one that goes on your eyelids, is it shadow? Put these all together and you can tell that there is a banging hottie underneath it all. So I found that I stopped checking out regular girls because there boring, I was all about the burqas and trying to figure out what was underneath. The saying goes that less is more, but in this situation the case really is more is more. More skin clothed means there is more left up to my imagination. There is not a playboy, penthouse, or hustler that can do what my mind is capable of. Through the course of my journey I found about 4-6 women who I would marry based just on their eyes alone. No need to check out their feet, handbag, or the style of burqa, I knew that underneath it all was a smoking babe. Another way to tell how hot a BB is, is by the crappy oil rich arab man pulling her along. (More on them later) The bigger his D factor, Douche or Dick, the hotter that chick probably is or was. So in conclusion I would like to say go on with your badself girl, keep throwing it down for Mohammed and keep throwing it down for Gucci, Prada, and Revlon, but don't for a minute think you are fooling anyone. Being born hot isn't a crime, you just have better cards then your neighbor, and I say if you feel the need to cover it all, revert your eyes, and show genuine disinterest by me, thank you, because I just developed one more crush and you made my trip that much better.



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