Tuesday, November 16, 2010

lauppe v. weaver

Lauppe vs. Weaver

Who will come out ahead, who will reign supreme in this bloodbath they call marriage.

Oops, wrong opening.

What I meant to say was, We are gathered here today….. Cue the music, release the doves, pop the bottles we got ourselves a wedding.

So Im off to glorious MCI, that’s Kansas City if you aren’t either of my Matt friends. Those guys have all the airport codes memorized.


Took a day off from work and flew out to see my cousin get murred. That’s married for people who don’t talk cool. Flights were pretty easy, got upgraded both ways. She was getting married in Manhattan, KS. That’s where K State University is. Its about a 2 hour drive from the airport. It was just me and my Dad. We had a nice conversation about anything and everything. It was nice to have him all to myself and to have his undivided attention. We arrived early and just hung out with Shane’s family. Hes the bridegroom in this lovely story. I was told to dress casual so of course I dressed to the nines. I had come from work so I just kept those clothes on. I had just gotten a hair cut as well too. I was looking F-I-N-E !! My sister even commented and commended, shes a big fan of me and everything I do, but she will be the first to say that I don’t have fashion skills and that I slouch. Jacob, stand up straight, Im taking you shopping. So we had a BBQ there, good food, lots of beer. Got reacquainted with my cousins. Then we went to my cousins house party. It was pretty rocking if I do say so myself. A really nice house, cool people, good music. They had summer brew, for those not in the know, which they are, this is more commonly known as Texas Tea. 36 beers, 2 bottles of vodka, and instant tea or instant lemonade mix. Shit is delicious. And it goes down smooth. We played some beer pong, sung in harmony, told some stories, and went home. A very very nice evening.


Going to the chapel and were going to get Married. Gee I really love you and were going to get married. That’s how the song goes. That morning I did some CISSP studying, which it is now the future and I can happily report I passed. So we watched some movies this morning, played some video games, ate some McDonalds, put on a suit and headed out to the church. I don’t think either person was particularly catholic, but we were at a catholic church. The ceremony was very nice, not too long, it wasn’t a full catholic mass, songs were nice and then were out of there. The ceremony was kind of early in the afternoon and the reception wasn’t for a few hours. So we just hung out in the reception hall, drank some beer and had some snacks. There was a lot of hatorade going around. Eventually, the couple showed up and then it was time to get our eat on. They had a country restaurant cater the meal. Now I have had fancier meals, but, man, there is something to be said for brisket, mash potatoes, macaroni and cheese. Frankly, cordon bleu can go straight to hell, Ill take brisket any day of the week. So the party continued, there was drinking, and dancing, and more drinking, and picture taking, and more hatorade. After it was all said and done and the raising of the roof had died down, we cleaned up and then we went out to the KState bars. I forget their name, but it’s the like the 6th street for UT Austin. There were a lot of awesome bars down then. We had some of the parents try their first irish car bomb, they liked it. We bar hopped to three other places. All the while getting cousins in with fake id’s and what not. Lots of fun, lots of bashing of manhood, as there should be when drunken cousins are involved.


Ahh Im 27 today. Fuuuuuuuuck. Okay now Im better, man getting old sucks balls, hairy balls. I was awoken by my sister, so I could come meet some lady that I will never see again. But I guess she just wanted to show me off, fine, Ill take it, shes proud of me, the least I can do is put on some pants for her. So everyone sang happy birthday to me, cut the cake, packed my things and we were outta there. Samm’s grandpa took me to brunch and to the airport, hes a pretty cool dude. Got all my upgrades going home and all was well in the world. This seems to be a pretty short blog, but I guess it was only three days.

Hope to be dancing at your golden jubilee anniversary dinner Shane and Andrea, congrats.


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